currently i am working on/thinking about;
1...bone army. im fond of this but dont know where its going or the significance bit muddled.KEEP THINKING
2...the chig painting..might as well finish although hasnt blown me away with excitement........FINISH
3..chicken carcass..............................................................................................................ABANDON
4..bull's balls...........................................what to do?.........................................................KEEP THINKING
5..collage of lactating men, significance?.............................................................................KEEP THINKING
6..cant even remember!!
what i really, really, really want to do is to begin work on a collection, series, exercise of paintings exploring destiny, fate and real happiness.
"One life, live it" or "Your life, live it" or "One wife, leave it"(as recently seen on the back of a landy!)
the viewer sees what they feel they want to see(or dont see) in each image, like finding pictures in clouds or trees.
the image they see represents their way at looking at the world, negatively or positivly?
glass half empty or half full?
we are all essentially responsible for our own reactions to situations, and those reactions make us who we are the situation may be out of our management control, but the reaction to it is within.
the work would encourage people to be themselves and not be told what they 'should' see, but rather to be in control of themselves, their own reaction, emotion, decision.
and maybe to continue to look and see further, or to reverse their initial thoughts, to turn a negative into a positive maybe?
less "where theres a blame, theres a claim".. more.."i tripped over the pavement, i must look where im going"!!
i want the viewer to question their outlook on life, maybe recognise that it could be altered for the better?
that we are all responsible for our own happiness, and stop blaming others
the course of destiny is in our hands, not controlled by others
so take ownership of that course and live it.
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